CUBFI #GivingTuesday 2022
#GivingTuesday for CUBFI
Dear friends,
Here at the League's Foundation, we are working harder than ever to lift CT residents and communities while raising awareness to credit unions throughout the state.
Thanks to your past donations and generosity, here are some of the initiatives and programing we've done:
• Provided FiCEP (CUNA’s certified financial counseling program) to 50 CT CU professionals at 16 different credit unions at no cost to participants in 2022, bringing our total to more than 90 certified counselors in just two years.
• Provided in-person financial education to thousands of high school students through our Bite of Reality App
• Created a small credit union and CDFI fund
• Made strategic investments that yielded earned media for credit unions with our Wise Winnings project and partnership with the Connecticut Lottery Corp.
• Sent two credit union professionals through the National Credit Union Foundation's development education program.
Every dollar you donate to the League’s Foundation gets
reinvested back into Connecticut’s credit unions through programs like FiCEP,
credit union professional development or financial education.
Your gift also supports our financial education efforts and
financial reality fairs, which have provided financial education to more than
35,000 CT high school students.
We are excited for what 2023 will bring and are grateful for
those who supported us in #GivingTuesday last year and made donations in the
current year.
Please consider a direct donation to the foundation as part
of your year-end giving. You can make a donation here or find us on our Venmo handle @CUBFI. Together, we can make financial well-being for all a reality.
David Hinchey
VP of Community and Social Impact
Credit Union League of CT